Archives for May 2009

Chocapic – Abyss

This was a job completed at BEanimation.

Work required
I was compositing on this job, it entailed treating alot of the 3d artwork.  The first group of shots of the sea had entire new skies placed in to look more moody and with a stronger storm feeling.  Alot of the 3d elements needed better integration into the shots with colour grading, we added quite a few camera effects in post different depth of field blurs on shots.  Shot 4 (wave crashing into the boat)  was some stock footage that we  purchased, it was masked out positioned and distorted to create the feel we wanted.  This had alot of treatment to it so that the whites of the wave looked fluffy white and so that it matched the 3d sea.  There were various shadows painted onto the boat to help integrate the wave better.  Shot 7 (the chocolate swirl) was created in lightwave (by a freelancer) but had a few issues the shape and twirl was working well but the middle had an awkward shape that needed to be fixed in post.  Also the render was not looking as “wet” as this final version, it was graded substantially with various passes extracted from the original render to produce the final look.
The underwater scenes had alot of bubbles added and little plant life placed in.  The red fish in various scene were modeled and setup for animation in Lightwave.  These jobs normally have about 12 different versions for different countries and a cut down of 20seconds created.  These are all played out to a digi-beta

Nintendo DS – Purr Pals

This was a job completed at The Victorians.

Work required
I was involved in compositing the game footage into the HD live action, the advert was finished at Standard Definition so this allowed alot of freedom with reframing shots.  There were in total about 7 shots that required new game footage placed in.  This video is just one of the final adverts.  Some of the game shots were reanimated so they worked better with the pen movement.  The final masters were laid of to Digi-Beta

Me Me Me

This was something I put together one weekend.  I was curious to test out some virtual cameras in After Effects (AE) and a good old fashioned cloning test seemed appropriate.  The camera was mounted to a tripod and various shots taken of myself.  These video clips were then placed in 3d so that they join next to each other.  I could then place a camera inside of the circular perimeter of video clips and rotate and zoom however I felt.  There was also some masking required as occasionally I overlap my clones.  I did make the mistake of allowing the camera to white balance automatically and got some rather large colour shifts  as the shots move around, I was not really in the mood to tackle that problem :- P

BBC – Dangerous Love

This was a job completed at BEanimation.

Work required
3 of about 10 animations that where to be placed into a documentary about violence in the home.  The animation was drawn traditionally and later artworked by hand with pastels.  The larger spaces we created in After Effects (AE) from various textures.  On these examples I also drew many masks to add more shade and form to the coloured artwork.  These mask would animate in size, opacity and softness to have the feeling of boiling like the pastel work. The example of the girl was entirely coloured in AE, various colours were isolated and textured and the shadow of the man drawn also in the application.


Mark Ronson Project

This was a job completed at McKeown Devita Productions

Work required
I was brought in for 2 full (long) days to make final tweaks and changes, to bring in those last details the director wanted.  We made changes to over half of the spot during this time.  Changes we made were the line work on the spaceship to be a similar colour to the fill colour to various screens that were laid out slightly differently and treated with a new look and style.  New artwork was also being prepared on some shots that replaced older pieces.  Some of the edits were tightened up and camera effects added to give focus and depth of field.  There was also much colour grading to pull all the individual pieces together.

Nesquik – Gralle DUO

This was a job completed at BEanimation

Work required
I worked on this advert during all stages of production.  It concluded with a 2 day post production with the clients.  At this stage it was minor tweaks and adjustments mostly to Quiky’s (the rabbit) tones and integration into the live action shots.
In shot 6 (climbing the fridge) I created the props of the letters in Maya, these were lit, and animated to match the live action plate and Quiky’s animation.  The live action required much resizing and repositioning as the client was not very happy with the way the camera moved in this scene.  We had to reframe much tighter in the shot and force the camera to pull out whilst keeping the fridge top in the same position.
Shot 11 (Quiky jumping from the hammock) required the pack to be clearer so we tracked in some new artwork.

HSS – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This was a job completed at BEanimation.

Work required
The entire set was created in After Effects (AE) 3d, this was so we could move into and around the shot with ease.  The hands were drawn using traditional animation coloured and had a tone applied.  The graphics in the computer were designed in Photoshop and later animated in AE.


Nesquik – Code Yellow theme

This was a job completed at BEanimation.

Work required
Quiky (the rabbit) was integrated into his live action shots.  Tones applied and graded along with adding all his shadows that he might cast or recieve.  There was some cleaning up of dust and scratches in some shots for example the bowl shot (shot 2) we wanted to only see 3 pieces of cereal and none of the dust they left behind when poured out.  There was quite a lot of rotoscoping required in this advert, the telescope scene and also the shot where the pack arrives to the boy and Quiky being the most involved.  All the shots with the pack being pulled on the rope had some rig removal.



Chocapic – Dune

This was a job completed at BEanimation

Work required
Worked on this from early stages to the final piece.  Mostly it invovled placing the characters, adding there tones, grading the various parts of the 3d artwork.  I helped to push a solution with the sand storm, we were struggling a little with getting the look we wanted from the 3d applications so there renders were processed much and layered with different versions to try and create a more dusty/cloud feeling.  There was also shots from live action sand and explosions that were created in house and integrated into some of the shots notably at the end when the car crashes out from the sand dune.  This particular pack shot was for the Romanian branded version (“with many/much chocolate!” )


Carlos Bar Fix

This was a job completed at BEanimation

This is a section from a product sequence that was used in a chocapic advert.  You can see the original shot (labeled “Before”).  The chocolate was substituted with blocks of shaped wood and unfortunately you can see the corners so it does not look like a juicy solid chunk of real chocolate.  The main problems are highlighted in the red circles, the corners and lack of clear product label.  The original shots were shot on high speed film and lasted over 10seconds each, I have sped them up here.  I created the final shot with a mixture of methods.  The logo was artworked then tracked and masked into position.  The new corners were a created from other takes that the client preferred the look of, and also new artwork.  Where we used other takes these had to be retimed and repositioned to match my new hero shot, and again any new artwork tracked and positioned into place.  You can see the final shot in the video clip.